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Dress up, let’s communicate

“A custom-built boat is like a tailored suit… How many times have you read, heard, or seen this phrase? It probably ranks third in overused nautical communication clichés, right after […]

Like attracts like

A chemistry professor once told me in university: like attracts like. That’s why soap cleans dirty hands better than water alone. Without delving into the chemical composition of soap, since […]

If you want to build a ship…

More Than 80 Years Old, Yet Still Relevant for Nautical Marketing It’s attributed to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, though its true origin is unclear. The message, however, is profound: “If you […]

9 Reasons Why They Don’t Buy from You

In the nautical industry, it’s still not that common—at least not for boats—but it’s becoming so for accessories. In 2023, global online purchases in Italy exceeded €54.2 billion (+13% compared […]

What Happens If You Do Nothing

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This quote is often attributed to Albert Einstein, and sometimes even to Benjamin Franklin and Mark […]

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