Can you explain why a Rolex is more expensive than an Omega or why the cheapest
Mercedes is priced higher than the most expensive Dacia?
Perhaps you’re a watch or car enthusiast and know exactly why the price list of one brand
differs from another. But do you know why people are willing to pay more for a product that
performs the same functions as its competitors?
Yet, how often have you lost a deal because a potential customer tells you that they can get
a bigger discount at XYZ shipyard? Or even watched someone walk away without asking for
a discount, simply stating that your boats are too expensive, without giving you the chance to
explain why they cost what they do and the benefits they would get from buying one of your
boats over the competitors’.

The answer to “why are people willing to pay more for a product that does the same things
as the competition” is simple: it’s because different values are attributed to products (and
brands) that are perceived as different.
Everything about a brand’s communication is designed to say: I am different from all the
others, so if you want me, this is my value!
Even if I don’t know the real reason why something should cost more than another, I assume
it’s right.
Therefore, for certain people, it’s more important to be seen with a Rolex on their wrist while
driving a Mercedes, even though they know they could get the exact time and reach their
destination for much less.
Can you clearly state how you are different from your competitors, or do you just claim to be
better than others? And better based on what?
For some, the best product is the one that costs less for the same functions, for others, it’s
the one that offers more prestige.
But even without going that high: is chocolate or cream ice cream better? Yet, some people
prefer one and some the other, simply because they are different.
Can you clearly explain to a potential customer why the boats from your neighboring booth
at the Genoa or Cannes boat show are not even comparable to yours and consequently why
they are rightly priced?
Do you know how to ensure that they already know all this when they arrive on your website,
your Facebook page, or in front of your models displayed at a fair?
We at LLiquida are the only Italian company specializing in marketing and communication for
the nautical sector, made up of professionals who have been working in the industry since
the late 1990s.
With the Boat Selling System, we can give you the system developed to increase your sales
and grow your turnover, focusing on making your shipyard and your brand unique and
To give you the tools so that it’s clear to everyone that what they find with you, they won’t
find anywhere else.
On the occasion of this nautical season starting with the autumn boat shows, we have
decided to offer this opportunity to those who want real tools to achieve results and sell
Call us now for a free consultation (worth 300 euros).
We will analyze your situation together and immediately provide you with an action plan to
start seeing your contacts and sales grow.
You can implement it yourself (with all our best wishes for your success), with whomever you
think can provide the best support.
Or you can work with us and use our services to see your turnover grow month after month
at rates never seen before.
But hurry: by choice, we only take care of clients we can follow to the best of our ability, so
we only offer this opportunity to 5 shipyards a month.
Call 335330471 or send an email to
Do you really want to miss such an opportunity? You risk nothing and get professional consulting. What are you waiting for?